Saturday, November 25, 2006 8:15 PM
home on a sat:
smth tt didnt exist since the end of aug,
wif me working the all the saturdays in sept. wich reminds me to spend abiiit of my pay on a BAG! desperately.
oct's saturdays are filled with trngs and settlers.
i realli miss traininggsssssss. =( alot.
squash gathering was changed from 9th to 8th.
all the better, i guess more ppl can make it.
figured it would be quite a parting scene.
looking thru this yr's pics all the way from jan-oct.
cooool man. this is wad pics are for.. memories!!
"memories:a diary we carry with us all the time."
how true.
Thursday, November 23, 2006 11:16 AM
projs piling
CTs coming
mixed feeeelings
someone's leaving
very sooon.
and no, i dun spend my time making ppl GLAD jus becos im gladys.. lol
serious need for time mgt mannnnn!!!
Monday, November 20, 2006 9:52 PM
went watch casino royalee...
at the espense of our ief proj, postponed to tml.
tml, training.
busy up to my neck.
things sent me thinking..wad if i ..wad if im tinking..wad if i feel..wad if.
Friday, November 17, 2006 9:28 PM

sat at the poolside for like 45 mins. jus tinking and all. found tt the clouds were damn pretty today. and so was the weather, mayb cos no more hazee. =) but even wif tt, still reached home at the earliest time since the term started. oh well. and last fri ~
Wednesday, November 15, 2006 11:48 PM
tues n thus without trng are hard to accept man..
pactically nth to look forward too.
now school = tutorials, lectures and PROJS.
well at least sat gonna be a day to look foward to, i hope.
anw, good lucks to those having presentations tml!! =D including me.
am feeling soooooo lethargic. tskkk.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006 11:43 AM
where should i start?
ok i shall start from the end.
POL-ITE aka IVP drew to a close. a rather dramatic one. last match was sam VS some SP guy. play halfway, tt guy suddenly collapse la. wah lao. DAMN shocking. asthma attack. everyone was literally =OO!! he laid in the court like for 10 mins then was 'fu-ed' out. ambulance awhile arrive le. so DRAMAAAA. anw, sam won tt match.
b4 tt, our gals were tied with SP. 2-2. jeannie's match was the deciding match. but she was against their top seed. won the first set, but lost the subsequent ones. she was so guilty la.. but im sure all the gals dun blame u. serious. it COULD HAV been ours. BUTTT its only a matter of time. MUAHAHA. nxt yr nxt yr .. watch out man.
after the match, gals n guys team sat separately and sort of .. err.. had a talk la. we gals took turns to speak was the last and i cried as expected. tsk.. but i noe the guys one was more emotional. =X
bottom line: am VERYYYYYYY proud of the team. realli. and deciding matches are realli no joke to play and not 'fun' to watch. serious. gonna miss the trngs and all. oh well, i hate goodbyesss!!! and it still hasnt sunk in to me that the yr 3s are leaving real soon.. =((
got so much tings to say.. but.. ya. anw.. im soo tired. but dun feel like slping cos i noe tml would be another normal day.. =( we should've the high tea after ivp!!!! =X


more pics after jasmine sends them to me. =)
Saturday, November 11, 2006 2:17 AM
today. Sad day. puffy eyes day and damn tired day. watched and cried one litre of tears till abt 3 last nite.
Took cab for the first time to school. Woke up at 1055 when ief tutorial was at 11. rushed like mad. Anw, went plaza had lunch after tutorial and went baq school at 4. tt clift call me and ask me wait for him cos he was behind me. -_-. Daryl, ryan and skye were at court 1. so we went in and I was like damn tired, lying on the floor. Anw. Reached sp as per normal, like mon.
Gals matches were ok. only lost one match. But I noe everyone did their best. =D go gals, tough match on mon!!! gold / silver!! =)
The guys, were at their best too. But somehow, sam, louis and ryan lost. Sam’s I wasn’t watching, was umpiring. Louis, he could have won it, but already he’s more steady than mon le. Proud of him. really. =D ryan’s.. I got not much thing to say. Jus that its really not his fault. Be it the referee’s, or whoever. His opponent was good. But ryan wasn’t in the best of health as it is. But t really triggered my tears. Was saying I will cry if louis lost, didn’t. cos his and ryan’s match were played simultaneously. So went over after louis’s. damn scary. Kudos to both players. The last point, seriously cant take it. Stood up, walked away and cried. Then later jeannie stood up and were crying too. Was tually controlling my tears when I saw sam tear, then.. waterfalllll. Louis too. But am really proud of him. jus felt damn sad tt tis is the last yr ryan’s playing and he lost this match. But uncle still has my utmost respect. HUGS NP SQUASHERSSS*
Thursday, November 09, 2006 11:37 PM
today, my topic to blog is
read somethings somewhere at sometime and reminded me of a
time. a
time not so long ago, a
time abt a yr ago. when we were still the maddd tb24. when we still laughing at lame jokes of zz, still looking at mw n zz bullying beng(then fat beng), ZL-ing in class all the
time, eating sweets of ame and all.. some of these names haven appeared here or my diary for quite awhile. hais. time. such a evil. LOL, dunno y im typing tis. but ya, i tink tis way. i miss the
time a yr ago. the
time when poly started out so relaxing, and fun. serious. now, its all abt projs. where did all the fun go? mayb replaced by the committments of ours and all. a yr ago, the then yr 3s were still arnd, playing ivp and all. a yr later, another batch of yr 3s are leaving. TSK.
and another
time even not so long ago, a
time abt half yr ago. tb 24 had their chalet. fun chalet. first-of-its-kind. (i tink reading the ief textbook is making my mind drift till im typing tis!) but i still wan tt chalet sometime again. but i noe it all too well that things changed,
time became irreversable. situations changed. ppl's hearts changed. what they talk abt change. ppl grad and work.
time. root of all evil. oh man, im missing the chalet so much. roar. but
time is only good for one thing, the healing of the broken heart. for most, and i certainly hope for you too.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 7:08 PM
today monday...
BIGGGG day for squashers!!!! FIRST DAY OF IVPPPP. against TP NYP today. well, results were GOOOD. =DD all the guys won and only jasmine lost to lena. but.. well, someone had to be the goat to the tiger's mouth rite. HUR. but louis's match was.. damn scary. CHILLLL.TP and SP in the meantime, i tink had quite a fight for the guys. gals.. SP thrashed TP too. (so mon.. GOOO GALSSS!!) guys we finished playing all our matches at 8 liddat, they still got 2 more matches. imagine. uncle ryan umpired the last one till abt 10. -_-. went clementi had mac. chatted till1130 then left for home wif hansel, jas, jj and clift. waited for clift's 171 wif him at jas's stop. damn colddddd. and i missed 3 buses!! tskkk. and ya.. saw smth. HUR. reached the guard hse there like 12. to find tt the fire alarm was ringingggg. tt means.. I HAFTA CLIMB 10 STOREYS. wa, roar. of all days, today. went im so late, sticky and hot. TSKKK. but wasnt as bad as i tot la. haha.

`while waiting for the bus. CLIFT IS.. his normal self. LOL

`on the bus!! LOL

`jeannie n constance are sooo LOL.




`arriving at the battlefield.


`pre-battle talks. =D
ok, now i can hardly wait till friday!!! ahhhhhhhhh.
Saturday, November 04, 2006 11:59 PM
went to sch for tjc friendly in the morning. supposed to reach at 10 but i 0950 still watching 1 litre of tears. damn nice la. last nite epi 2 make me cry le loh.
anw, damn little ppl played today. quite ah. and i won my match. woo. but dun feel anyting special oso la. -_-. after tt went and collect the polympics committee shirt and trophies and zhao, didnt say for the prize presentation since we haven even finish playing. lol. and clever clift came when we were hvaing briefing for mon IVP. so smart. were clapping. hah!
went bathe after tt. still prefer the grand stand there de toilet. the swimming pool there one not nice de. anw, jeannie taught us how korean fold their towels after they bathe to put in on their heads. hahahah!
thot abt where to go to eat after tt and jj suggested holland v's settlers cafe. took 74 and walked in. and spent like.. 45mins looking for it. machiam touring holland v liddat. hahahah. jeannie called her fren and was told it was near ntuc, below some flats. ... it was la. so we walked to ntuc peeped, bought coke and saw nth so walked away. tt clift was like wahh, machiam excursion. HAHA. dun mind, if only it wasnt so hot. haha. and he was like realli ah, we will walk there and walk baq here one. HUR. wich we did la. stupidddd.
so we finally reached settlers cafe. quite a cozy place. can eat le then can play games one, if u buy the set meal la. wich we all did. so we were told we hav 2 hours of game play till 0630. (ps: we were eating LUNCH) play play play~! in the end 0630 le, wanted to extend. but instead were told we hav 4 hours of game play so till 0830. WOOOTS. hahaha. food was alright too. and since we hav 8 ppl, had to split. gals n guys table. haha.
but jeannie left to meet fren at 6 plus, and jasmine left at 0730. leaving me, yu ting, skye, jj, clift and sam. was damn fun la. hahha. left at 0830 and waited damn long for 970 wif clift n jj. tskk. mon mon monnnn. tml needa do tutorials le. SIANNNNN.

`the bathing gals!! HAHAH.

`on the bus. by kai er. =D

`on the excursion. THANS! hahaha

`our drinksss.

`the gals tablee...

`the guyss tablee..


`the GALS! =D

`Settlers' Cafe @ holland v. =DD

`chicken chop!!

`the guys started playing while we were still eatinggg. haha

`the smth-like-animal-game. i suck at it. hahahaa.

`the bell to press! =D

`voted the BEST game: SEQUENCE. the gals lost 3-1. sadded
Friday, November 03, 2006 9:49 PM
training was not bad today. At least not as boring as the last few times. but louis and clift both didn’t come. Cos BOTH sick, uncle ryan dun really believe. Clift is he 2 plus msg me say one. then louis is he tell ryan himself one. anw, today is NJC friendly, but only 3 gals and a guy came. Played a match wif a gal. 9-6, 9-5, 9-6. won the second set. Come out cos really too tired, and Stephen was like not bad ah. Was smiling from ear to ear la. anw, after the match was damn damn tired. But still went court 1 and coach ask me do straight drive for a basket full of squash balls. Seriously damn tired after tt. was running like mad woman. Worse than tue de san ba. haha. After tt really damn damn damn tired. Rest awhile then took pics wif NJC. Haha. after tt the team sat in the court and was briefed abt mon. wah damn fast sia. but still got 3 days. Sat still got training. felt quite a lot during the briefing la. oh well. After tt went al azhar eat.
today suddenly felt damn damn stressed. oh well. mon gonna be a BIG day for all of us. GO NP! =D